As the season of Lent is upon us, millions of Americans will be looking for new ways to include fish in their diet.
Lent is a religious tradition observed during the 40 days before Easter. During this time, many Christians choose to refrain from eating red meat on Fridays. Some observers choose to abstain throughout the entire season. Simmons Farm Raised Catfish is an ideal and healthy alternative to red meat that the entire family will enjoy during this time of reflection and appreciation.
Even if your family doesn’t observe Lent, farm raised catfish is a great way to introduce some delicious and nutritious variety at meal time.
Both the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans note the positive benefits of eating seafood two to three times per week. This includes farm raised catfish. Simmons Catfish is a low-cholesterol, high-protein source of heart-healthy Omega 3 fatty acids that also offers 100% of the daily requirement for energy boosting vitamin B12.
As well as being healthy, farm raised catfish is also super flavorful and super versatile. Light and fresh, our catfish can be prepared in an endless variety of recipes, pleasing even the most discriminating palates.
Regardless of your religious beliefs, spring is a great time of year to try Simmons Farm Raised Catfish and bring fresh ideas to your dinner table.
Check out some of our favorite catfish recipes for new and delightful meal time options this Spring: